Building & Architectural Acoustics

Commercial and Industrial Facilities are increasingly demanding high quality acoustic environments for offices, studios, meeting rooms, laboratories and factories. Issues such as speech privacy, speech intelligibility, perceptible vibrations and acoustic ambience can make the difference between acceptable and unacceptable built spaces.

Freefield Ltd. has extensive experience in acoustics and noise and vibration control. We work with architects, interior designers, facilities managers, engineers and developers to ensure that the client’s needs for an acceptable acoustic environment are acheived.

We provide practical and appropriate cost solutions for remedial work or building alterations.

Professional Consulting Services

  • Acoustical design of offices, board rooms, conference rooms, studios, laboratories and residences
  • Acoustical design of auditoria, theatres and performance spaces
  • Noise control of heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems
  • Acoustical and vibration studies for planning approvals
  • Environmental noise and vibration control, Certificates of Approval
